An Interview with Cliff from ArcticCaveGaming

Introduction With respect to the gaming community, the word “reproduction” typically has a negative reaction. Some regarding reproductions on the same level as software emulation. This being that reproductions are typically associated with devices from eBay having 150 plus pack in games or anything from AtGames. However, there are some that take products and rebrand […]

Ray Commend

Saturn Emulation Gets a New “HD” Option

Move over BSNES, Yaba Sanshiro looks to be muscling in on your territory.  Hot on the heels of the recent advances for HD mode 7 and widescreen options on the SNES, the Sega Saturn emulator Yaba Sanshiro has added a similar feature. “I implement Hi-Res RBG (Rotate Background) screen emulation operation using the computer shader. […]

Ray Commend

Yaba Sanshiro Update Adds New Feature and Supports another Game

The best Saturn emulator on Android, Yaba Sanshiro just received a new update to version 2.4.0. The emulator, which plays many games at full speed on the Nvidia Shield TV and many other devices received an important usability update. According to the release notes: WHAT’S NEW * in-game controller configuration. * Riglord saga 2 […]


Sega Saturn Transparency

Someone just sent me a great writeup written by Matt Greer back in 2016 about how transparency effects are used in the Sega Saturn and why you don’t see them as often as other consoles: I don’t want to spoil the main article, but basically it’s a result of how the dual VDP1 and VDP2 […]